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FAQ: What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct primary care (DPC) is a model of healthcare in which patients pay a monthly fee to their doctor in exchange for comprehensive primary care services. This fee covers unlimited office visits, telemedicine consultations, and other services. DPC practices aim to provide more personalized and accessible care, with a focus on prevention and wellness.

Q: How is DPC different from traditional healthcare?

DPC eliminates the need for insurance for primary care services. Patients pay a monthly fee to their doctor directly, which covers all primary care services. This allows doctors to spend more time with their patients and provide more personalized care. Additionally, DPC practices do not have the same bureaucratic constraints and paperwork burdens that traditional practices face.

Q: What services are included in the monthly fee?

The monthly fee covers all primary care services, including office visits, telemedicine consultations, basic lab tests, and some in-house procedures. It also includes access to your doctor via phone, text, or email. Some DPC practices may offer additional services, such as discounted medications or certain diagnostic tests.

Q: Do I still need health insurance if I have a DPC membership?

Yes, DPC is not a substitute for health insurance. While DPC covers primary care services, it does not cover hospitalizations, surgeries, or specialist care. Patients should still have insurance for those types of services.

Q: How much does a DPC membership cost?

The cost of a DPC membership varies depending on the practice and location. On average, memberships range from $50 to $150 per month. However, some practices may charge more or less than this amount.

Q: How do I sign up for a DPC membership?

You can sign up for a DPC membership by contacting a DPC practice directly. They will provide you with information on their services, fees, and how to enroll. Some practices may also offer a free consultation or tour of their facilities.

Q: Can I use my HSA or FSA to pay for a DPC membership?

No, you can't use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay for a DPC membership. But you can use your HSA or FSA to pay for labs, medication, and other in-office services and procedures. 

Q: Is DPC only for businesses, or can individuals and families sign up too?

DPC is available to individuals and families. Some practices may offer discounted rates for families, or charge a separate fee per family member. Check with the DPC practice you're interested in to learn more about their family plans.

Q: Can I cancel my DPC membership at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your DPC membership at any time. However, you should check with the practice to see if there are any cancellation fees or policies. Some practices may require a certain amount of notice before cancellation.

Q: Is DPC available in every state?

DPC is legal in most states, but regulations vary by state. Check with the DPC practice you're interested in to see if they are licensed in your state.

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